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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you take my insurance?  

We accept most all vision and medical insurance plans.  If we don't currently accept your plan, it is likely your network is not accepting new providers as is the case with DMBA.  However, we are actively working on getting credentialed with our most requested plans.  

Click here for a complete list of all accepted insurances.  Or, if you prefer, text your name and birthday to 801-210-9339 and we will respond with what benefits you have. 

  • How much is an eye exam? 

We offer fantastic discounts to all self-pay patients.  Our prompt-pay baseline eye exams are $89.  Contact lens exams are $60 and if you choose to do a retinal screening that is an additional $40.  

  • Do you charge extra for a retinal screening? 

Many offices build their retinal screening into their exam price.  We have found, however, that patients like having a choice so even though it is highly recommended to get a screening, it is optional.

  • Can you diagnose diabetes with your eye exam? 

Diabetes can cause micro hemorrhages, among other things, to occur on the retina.  If we have concerns, we will refer to you a primary care doctor for an official diagnosis.  But, it is a fairly common occurrence that we inform patients they might be diabetic and not know it.  After diagnosed, we recommend annual dilation with retinal photography and scanning if not more frequently based on disease progression.  

  • How can I improve my dry eye symptoms? 

We LOVE to talk about dry eyes here.  As a sufferer of dry eye himself, Dr. Cook has tried all of the vitamins, gadgets and tactics to improve dry eye.  First we need to uncover WHY your eyes are dry (it's more complex than you might think!) and then educate you on all of your options.  We offer dry eye treatment kits with all of Dr. Cook's favorite at-home maintenance tools.  We can start prescription medications such as Restasis or Xiidra if need be and monitor you for improvement. 

  • Do you sell contact lenses?

We sell all major brands of contact lenses for a competative price.  We offer hassel free returns or exchanges on contacts purchased from our office.  We want you to be comfortable!  

  • Is Dr. Cook experienced? 

Dr. Cook has over 10 years of experience practicing in a variety of office settings--everything from a surgical ophthalmology practice to primary care private practices and commercial settings.  He did additional training at Hoopes Vision in Draper, Utah and the VA Hospital in Tucson, AZ.  He has participated in school screenings and assisting at the Blind Children's Learning Center.  He has extensive experience managing pre and post-cataract surgical patients and monitoring patients with diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eye among other chronic eye diseases.  He enjoys seeing patients of all ages, children included, and helping them achieve their best possible vision through correction with contact lenses, glasses or co-managing surgical procedures.  

  • Why is buying glasses online not the best option? 

When buying glasses online you run the risk of having a decentered lens which can induce prism and cause discomfort, dizziness and eye strain.  It is important for the optical center of each lens to land right in front of the pupil when worn.  When you pick out a frame in office, we can measure this distance from the bottom of the frame to the center of your pupil so the lab making the lenses knows exactly where to center the lens.  While you can get and submit your "PD" (pupillary distance - not to be confused with "OC" optical center) you still may not end up with the most comfortable and effective glasses for you. The higher your prescription the more induced prism you could end up with.  For this reason, we typically do not recommend online glasses to our patients, though for some people with lower prescriptions it is appropriate. 

  • Do you carry my brand of contact lenses? 

We carry all mainstream brand contact lenses:  Acuvue Oasys, Acuvue Vita, Acuvue 1-Day, Acuvue Moist 1-Day, Air Optix with Hydraglyde, Dailies Total 1, Dailies Total 30, Precision 1 Day, Bausch and Lomb Ultra, BioTrue 1 Day, Biofinity, Biofinity Toric XR, My Day, Fresh Day, Reveal, Clariti 1 Day, and others. 

  • What is the difference between being near sighted and far sighted? 

Near sighted people can see near, far sighted people can see far.  Near sighted people have a minus (-) in front of the spherical number on their prescription.  Far sighted people have a plus (+) in front.  Think of it as a number line, someone with perfect eyes has a 0 as their prescription.  The higher the negative number the more far sighted you are, the higher the positive number the more near sighted you are.  

  • What is glaucoma? ​​

Imagine pumping up a basketball with an air pump.  When do you stop adding air?  When it is full and tight feeling.  Your eye is like this basketball, except instead of air it is filled with a fluid and collagen material.  Sometimes this fluid is being produced (or added) too fast or it is not draining fast enough causing pressure on the walls of the eye.  The softest spot of the eye is a hole in the back of the eye where the optic nerve and blood vessels enter the eye.  This pressure pushes on this soft spot causing nerve damage resulting in vision loss.  Glaucoma is a relatively slow progressing disease in most cases, but it is important to identify it as soon as possible as it is very treatable. It is a "silent blinder" because you don't feel high pressure and since it attacks your peripheral vision first, you are not liekly to have any symptoms of vision loss until it is too late. 


  • What are cataracts? 

Oh cataracts, we could talk about you all day.  Cataract patients are among Dr. Cooks favorite to see.  Why?  Because, like LASIK, there is a definite "wow factor" once a patient with bad cataracts completes surgery.  There are many types of cataracts and many stages.  They are typically so slow progressing you don't even realize they're happening, kind of like that old boiling a frog story you've probably heard.  There is a lens inside your eye that is centered behind the colored part of your eye.  It is about the shape and size of an M&M candy and when born is crystal clear. As time goes on, the proteins it is made up of are damaged by aging and the suns rays causing them to go cloudy and yellowish.  Think of old plastic that has yellowed.  Cataract surgery is fascinating, if you haven't watched on on YouTube yet, you should!  


  • Why do I get headaches when I read? 

While there can be many causes, triggers and contributing factors to headaches, the status of the eyes are definitely worth looking into if you are having symptoms of eye strain or headaches when reading.  Are your eyes balanced?  Are you a far sigthed person trying to see near?  Are your glasses strong enough?  Too strong?  Do you have a mild strabismus or tendency for the eyes to wander?  Are you sensitive to blue light?  These, and more, are all questions that can be answered with a comprehensive eye exam.  If you haven't already, we do also recommend getting evaluated by your primary care doctor for headaches if we can't find any specific eye related cause. 

  • Why do I see starbursts around lights when driving at night? 

Starbursts, and not the delicious kind, are bothersome.  Most likely these annoying light scatters are caused by uncorrected or over/under corrected astigmatism.  However, your eye also has two lenses itself and each of these are susceptible to disease or irregularities.  Cataracts, corneal scars, corneal dryness and keratoconus, just to name a few. 

  • What do your glasses cost? 

We offer glasses for all budgets.  While we believe in quality and want to offer our patients the best, we also offer affordable options.  

  • Do you recommend getting my eyes checked every year? 

We're supposed to say YES but we will level with you.  Many people with healthy eyes and low risk can go multiple years without having an eye exam.  However, if you choose this schedule you must also know that something could be going on with your eyes that could be sight or even heaven forbid life threatening.  So, while we do recommend getting your eyes checked every year, it is up to you.  We see it as a simple sacrifice of time to preserve and protect your vision and get an updated status on your overall health because, after all, the eye is the only place on the body where you can directly observe the health of nerve tissue and blood vessels without overlying tissue.  

  • At what age should kids start getting their eyes checked? 

If you suspect something is wrong with your infants eyes, get them seen.  We are trained to check babies prescriptions with the use of a light refraction method called retinoscopy.  We can also refer to a surgeon if something isn't right.  Otherwise, we definitely recommend all kids have their eyes checked prior to entering pre-school or kindergarten.  Do not be deceived when your child can appear to see well, oftentimes that good vision is only happening in one eye and the weaker eye if left unchecked may develop a potentially serious condition called amblyopia which is when the eye goes dormant, if you will.  It is imperative that each eye receives proper clear stimulation during the growing up years to establish an in-depth eye brain connection. Why does this matter?  Because two eyes are better than one!  Simply put, having two eyes is a backup plan.  We have seen patients with one good eye and one bad eye lose vision in the good eye and as a result lose their drivers licenses and independence.  Do your kids a favor and get their eyes checked while they're young even if it seems like they don't need it.  

  • Do you do LASIK in office? 

If only!  Yes, we wish we could do LASIK because it is awesome, however, LASIK is a surgical procedure that only trained ophthalmologists can perform.  You do not want us doing your LASIK, BUT we do partner with Hoopes Vision in Draper, UT in co-managing patients who wish to undergo LASIK, PRK or cataract surgery.  What does this mean?  We can do your initial health exam prior to surgery as well as see you for your post op visits. Having spent time at Hoopes, Dr. Cook is well versed in what to look for and how to manage any complications.  

  • Can you do cataract surgery? 

Again, another surgery we wish we could perform because it is somewhat miraculous.  As with LASIK, we refer our patients to a certified ophthalmologist for the surgery but are glad to do the post-operative checkup appointments if that is more convenient for you.  

  • I got something in my eye, can you remove it?

Yes!  We love removing foreign objects from people's eyes more than we probably should.  However, if you have something IN your eye, aka a penetrating injury it would be best to see an ophthalmologist, those we have to refer out.  But wood, metal, plastic, lashes, lost contact lenses, abrasions, mild lacerations, cactus needles, glue, anti-freeze, firework explosions, rocks, shampoo, paper airplanes (all true stories) . . . pretty much anything you can get into your eye we are glad to remove and treat any residual problems.  

  • Why are my eyes so red? 

Because you're not drinking enough water and not getting enough sleep!  True?  Maybe.  It's also possible that you have chronic dry eyes, allergies, a bacterial or viral infection or even an auto-immune disorder.  When you com in we will ask you a million questions, take a close look and let you know how we can proceed to get your eyes back to their bright and shiny selves.  

  • Why did my grandpa use eye drops? 

He probably had glaucoma.  Either that or he was just really religious with his dry eye treatments.  Did he have long flowing eyelashes?  If so, glaucoma.  Traditionally the first line treatment of glaucoma has been eye drops, one of which has a side effect of beautiful lashes.  Times are changing however, and treatment strategies are improving and progressing.  If you are concerned about glaucoma being in the family, as there is a genetic component, then be sure to come in and we will do the iCare tonometer on you.  Rest easy, this is not it's evil twin the air puff test, you'll like it more we promise you.  We will also recommend doing an OCT scan of your optic nerve to ensure glaucoma isn't present.  If it's not, then this scan will be an excellent baseline going forward to make sure it stays that way.

  • Why does my vision fluctuate with contact lenses? 

You are either over-corrected, meaning the prescription is too strong, you have an astigatism and the lens isn't fitting properly or you have dry eyes.  We love to trouble shoot all of these issues and get you seeing your best.  

  • What is the difference between an ophthalmologist and an optometrist? 

Both are eye doctors that took different paths.  And optometrist goes to optometry school (a specialized 4 year doctorate program) after getting a Bachelors degree making them an OD whereas an ophthalmologist attends medical school making them an MD.  If they choose to do their residency in ophthalmology they become an OMD and can do surgery such as LASIK, cataract surgery, retinal surgeries and so much more.  To be honest, there are some politics involved here as scopes of practice do overlap in some areas but overall optometrists and ophthalmologists have one goal in mind, taking great care of patients and preserving their vision to the highest level possible and great co-managing relationships exist between the two fields.  

  • Is being an optometrist a good job? 

Of course we will say YES!  You have great hours, don't cause too much pain, get to improve peoples lives and people don't dread seeing you. That being said, to some it is too repetetive but that is what we actually like here becasue it gives you a chance to perfect the craft.  And, we love people, each person who comes in is different and makes the day pass quickly and enjoyably.  If you are considering being an optometrist and would love to shadow Dr. Cook or pick his brain, he loves to talk about it and would love give you any information he can to help you make your decision.  

  • What is the difference between an optician and an optometrist? 

I like to call opticians magicians because what they do is pure magic.  They are experts at seeing a persons face and knowing exactly what frames will look good on them.  They can also magically reshape frames to fit someone's head, and lets be honest, most of us don't have perfectly shaped heads.  It is a skill that is honed over time and our leading optician and optical manager Alex has over 10 years experience doing just that.  Prior to coming to Cook Family Eyecare Alex worked at Walmart Vision Center as well as Eyeglass World.  We are lucky to have her because she can troubleshoot any problem and really is an expert and knowing not only what frames to choose, but what lens options are best for each patient.  

  • What is a cornea? 

The cornea is fascinating.  Essentially, the cornea is a lens made up of unique layers of tissue that each has a job to perform to keep it clear.  If one of these layers doesn't understand it's duty then clarity issues occur in the form of a corneal dystrophy corneal degeneration.  The cornea is sexy because that is where LASIK occurs.  Did we just use that word?   Yeah, continue on.  At any rate, it is "cool" enough that some ophthalmogists specialize in this tissue alone and are called corneal specialists.  The cornea is the highest contributing factor to "astigmatism" and is chock-full of corneal nerves hence the reason it is so sensitive to touch.  These nerves are severed during LASIK which is why dry eyes can occur afterwords because, being severed, they cannot convey a "hey brain, I'm dry, send tears" message.  

  • What is the conjunctiva? 

Imagine you wrapped a meatball in saran wrap, really tightly!  Kinda gross but the saran wrap is the conjunctiva of that meatball.  It is a thin, clear layer of tissue that protects and covers the outside of the eye.  It is susceptible to infection and swelling, hence the term conjunctivitis.  

  • What is pink eye?  Is it contagious?

Yes, go wash your hands and stop touching your eyes!  Whether it's bacterial or viral, it's best to not share eye droplets.  Don't share pillow cases or towels if someone in the household has pink eye.  Other parents will be grateful if you keep your child home from school while the condition is active.  We have great eyedrops to soothe redness symptoms and knock out bacterial infections.  Viral infections, on the other hand, have to run their course.  Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate which is the culprit without culturing the discharge so antibiotics are usually given, sometimes in conjunction with steroids.  However, we want to rule out other eye conditions such as allergies or auto-immune disorders.  

  • Can I manage my diabetic eye condition at your office? 

Yes, Dr. Cook has invested in the latest and greatest equipment for identifying and tracking progression of diabetic eye health over time.  Dilation is the standard of care but retinal imaging is highly encouraged for our diabetic patients.  Why dilate AND take photos?  Well, Dr. Cook does not have a photographic memory and comparing pictures and images side by side is by far THE BEST way to determine rate of progression and establish the level of severity.  Just do it.  

  • What is a retinal detachment? 

Something you don't want, a retinal detachment usually starts as a break or a tear in the ever-so-fragile nerve tissue that is plastered up again the back wall of your eye called the retina.  The retina is what gathers the light as it comes into your eye, traces it back to the optic nerve and then onward to the visual cortex part of your brain (in the back of your head) allowing you to see your cute kids faces or that glowing pink Mount Timpanogos on those winter sunset days.  After it tears, like wall paper, gravity will continue to pull it down.  Fluid can seep below the thin sheet of retina and lift it up.  Once it separates from the back of the eye you essentially go blind in that area of your vision.  Once this process has started the clock starts ticking and it's only a matter of time before it reaches your central vision (aka your macula).  If you get a "macula off" retinal detachment it can be devastating both to your vision and to your mental health.  Losing vision permanently is not what we want to have happen so if you notice the symptoms of a retinal tear or detachment be seen that same day, do not wait!  What are the symptoms you might as?  Flashes of light, an increase in floaters, larger floaters or a dark shadow coming down over your vision.  If in doubt, just be seen!  

  • Why am I seeing floaters?  Is there anything that can be done to treat them? 

There is a gelatin glob that fills the space of the eye called the vitreous.  It is a meshwork of collagen fibers, spaced ever so appropriately to allow the substance to remain clear so you can see through it, but every now that then some of the fibers clump together and create little strands or chunks that cast shadows onto the retinal tissue.  When you move your eye, they move as well making your eye a human snowglobe of sorts.  While they are common, they can be super irritating and annoying.  In some instances, they can be a sign of something more serious like a retinal detachment.  

  • How can I prevent eye disease? 

Know your risks based on family history and take care of yourself.  Dr. Cook highly recommends a diet full of green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, broccolli) and other bright and colorful foods.  Get sufficient sleep, drink water, exercise.  You know, all the things we know we should be doing.  If it's happening

  • How does lack of sleep affect my eyes?

How does your iPhone do on 7% battery?  Get your sleep!  Dry eye and overall eye comfort in general has a lot to do with getting sufficient sleep.  If your eyes always want to close even when you have sufficient sleep, get an evaluation.  You may have dermatochalasis or something more rare like Myasthenia Gravis.  

  • Are all glasses created equal? 

No they are not, especially when it comes to Progressive Lenses.  The sayings "buy cheap, buy twice" and "you get what you pay for" come to mind.  We focus on selling quality.  Technology has come such a long way with digital lenses and premium coatings, if it's something you're going to wear on your face day in and day out for a year or more, we see it as a good investment.  


574 W 1600 N

Orem, UT 84057

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